- Numbness on his right side. 什么是我们要直接注意的?
- Khenpo A-chos died lying on his right side. 堪布阿曲死时右侧而卧。
- Naturally left footed, he is just as comfortable on his right side. 天生的左脚球员,在右边的位置上却同样如鱼得水。
- "It's a miracle," says Kubitz,whose only physical reminder of the stroke is stiffness on his right side. 库比兹说:“这真是个奇迹。”中风留给他的唯一后遗症就是身体有半部有些僵硬。
- After burping him, put him in his crip on his right side with his head slightly raised. 让他打嗝以后,孩子应向右侧躺,头稍稍微抬起一点。
- And they put two thieves on crosses with him, one on his right side, and one on his left. 他们又把两个强盗,和他同钉十字架。一个在右边,一个在左边。(有古卷在此有
- The boy had a parrot on his right shoulder. 男孩把一只鹦鹉放在右肩上。
- The stroke left his right side permanently damaged. 中风在他的右半身上造成永久的损伤。
- The sailor had a bird tattooed on his right arm. 水手在右臂上刺了一只鸟。
- He had three burns on his right arm. 他的右臂上有三处灼伤。
- He has a laceration on his right arm. 他的右臂有处撕裂伤。
- He couldn't stand on his right leg. 他的右腿站不起来了。
- There is a fresh scar on his right cheek. 在他的右脸颊有一个新的疤痕。
- He has a laceration on his right forearm. 他右前臂有一处裂伤。
- Milo has a star tattoo on his right bicep. 的右手臂上有个星形的文身。
- As they passed behind a last year's stack, Amedee clutched at his right side and sank down for a moment on the straw. 当他们走到去年的麦垛后面时,阿米迪突然用手按住肚子的右侧,一屁股跌坐在干草上。
- He's got a birthmark on his right cheek. 他的右脸颊有一块胎记。
- He emerged with grime on his right sleeve, hip and back. 他出现时,右手袖子上、臀部和背部都沾满污垢。
- Cang Li Man places back the cockroach on his right ear lobe. 仓里满把那头蟑螂放回了右边耳垂上。